kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Aug. 05, 2004

me so horny
12:32 a.m.

go HERE to see something cute...awww.

j-rob's home in jersey, he just got back from montana. he had a great time. he inspired me to check out some modest mouse...and that led to pavement, i dunno why i never got into those guys, i always loved the singles, i saw all those vids when mtv used to PLAY stuff like pavement.

he loved glacier park...i was there once. and he said missoula was yuppies and hippies and gays all mixed together.

jrob said "but we grow old and get thrown out or throw ourselves out... old age no one likes it"...i said THERE'S some lyrics!

i'm listening to old 60's dionne warwick, those bachrach songs...great arrangements. and some cheesy 60's WHITE PEOPLE vocal stuff, new christy minstrels, and the new seekers...so bad it's good!

oh, and i showed j-rob my giant bud on cam...he got some good montana weed.

i need to finish that "survivors of suicide" pdf file he sent me...it's heavy stuff.

rob c is going to oregon tomorrow, to help record a friend's nephew's band...so i'm stepdaddy for chia for a few days again..i went over there to feed her after work, cuz rob was supposed to leave today..i looked in the window and said hi...she was sleeping on the couch...so was rob! his friend got a late start from l.a, so...tomorrow they leave.

the other night i was on the phone to steve, and mr. brown hopped up on the bed with me! made himself right at home.,..so now both him and booboo are getting to think they live here...hmmm.

one day i'm gonna wake up covered with cats.

ooh, all the ugliness at work...honey, scorched earth. i seem to have emerged unscathed from all the bloodshed, with my 8-4 mon-fri intact after all...all cuz the cunt likes me and thinks i deserve it...

god, she's evil. i just don't wanna go on about it, it's more interesting being vague, there's too many little details, and i don't wanna dwell on it.

talked with matt on phone, that's kind of rare. he was relaxed, even though his corner is stressed too. had a nice talk, it was kind of a different matt, i dunno if he'll know what i mean...work talk, ya know, but it's different when you're not AT work, talking about it...

and in the middle of that my cell rang and i didn't get to it in time, it was steve...so matt called steve and we...had a 3-way! steve was down at the river with candles writing poetry, he read us some. he had a bad day, some man got diarrhea in his store, and guess who cleaned it up? the guy left a trail...

my phones kept running out of juice, it was funny.

new guy at work is doing good, he's smart.

everyone looks so good lately.

i'm having fantasies about someone...it'll pass.

no, not YOU!


came very close to putting a fatherly arm around someone i just met the other day...i actually had to stop myself, i think...it was odd.

that strange poem i started last year, all about the body, and maps, and rivers...i need to look that up...i have a line in my head about "these hands are my captain", something like that.

oh, ok, i found that poem...it's just a few lines really...
"these uncharted territories bear landmarks as yet unnamed...new lands claimed by whispered lips run aground upon the shoals and shallows...rivers of bone and currents of blood flowing just beneath the surface..."

hmm, that was last august. maybe i'll add a line once a year!

GREAT cake for the new boss monday, that fluffy whipped cream frosting....matt got flowers on his piece, he was in heaven!

and i have this other phrase in my head, "home-made monsters"....

really thinking about asking some people i know if i can interview them on this whole gay/straight male cam thing...i see it as an article in details or something...a book might be too hard, too repetitious, i dunno...

r.i.p. arthur kane and robert quine...a bit late, but...god, quine on that first richard hell record...you can't top that shit.

ok, daddy sleepy, daddy go bed.


- MK.

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