kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Aug. 09, 2004

the VERY last of the mohicans
1:24 a.m.

i'm on vacation for a week...so...tonight i went from drab...

to FAB!

geez, i look SCARY!

fuck it, it's only hair, ya know?

jrob said "wowzer, hehe! cute, you look like flea!"

a beautiful friend showed me his "little flub" tonight. no, i can't elaborate. but it's not what you're thinking, pervs!

speaking of pervs, me and my friend derf were in a room at AWC last night, a weird mixture of folks...the fags, some wild girls, and nascar people...they were booting people for using words like "titties", when, good god, people are up to some nasty stuff in there. i told derf "watch this, i'm gonna get myself kicked!" so i went back in and yelled "BIG COCK PUSSY JUICE!!! CUM IN MY EAR!!! SOMEONE EAT MY HOLE WITH HOT SAUCE, PLEASE!!!"

i'm on permanent ban from that room, haha!

see, using caps is considered yelling...oooh, what fun!

today derf gave me some dutch lessons so i could go get fresh with martin, my new straight bf..."ik wil jouw groote pik zuigen!"...mmm, yes, i would if i could!

ok, on the agenda this week: bills, housecleaning, then a few days of rest and relaxation.

oh, and i need to talk to steve, see if we can move ahead on plans for s.f trip next month...that's gonna be great if we can pull it off!

life rocks, no real complaints here at the moment. i DID think that last entry was great, though...damn, you guys were quiet...oh well, hehe!

love ya's,

- MK

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