kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Aug. 30, 2004

proof of dorkness
1:13 a.m.

1. i went into work at 7:45 am moday... forgetting i've been working at 12:30 pm on mondays. but the boss let me help rosemary with shoes, so that's why i got 11 hrs. one day off only is starting to take it's toll...but next paycheck is gonna be sweet.

2. saturday (which would normally be a day off) i was LATE for work. i had fallen asleep on the couch and woke up at 4am...i should have STAYED up...but i went back to bed, and thought i set my alarm for a bit later that usual, but i fucked something up. buddy was outside and mr. brown was cuddling with me. at 8:15 the boss called, he was cool about it. he gave me a 5 dollar card last week...he said i'm a real "trooper"!

3. one day last week i apparently had two different kind of shoes on all day! not that anyone noticed, but still...geez.

4. oh, and one day i guess i had my nice silk boxers on backwards all day...WHO needs another vacation?

had a nice long chat with a local guy tonight...very cool. he's the one who put me on his buddies list at gay.com. stay tuned, haha!

gots ta go...

- MK

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