kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Sept. 01, 2004

you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round
1:04 a.m.

talked to that local guy tonight, he's into some cool stuff. i showed him some vintage curtains on cam that i'm not doing anything with, i told him he can have 'em.

i can't tell if i came off like a dork or not...that seems to be my favorite word lately.

ehh...i'm probably a bit out of his age range, but you know me, any attention gets me a bit dizzy at first.

it's so odd chatting with new people, you slowly get a
feel for their personality. he's a cute kid.

two other guys i thought were kind of cute...well, one turned out to be a convicted sex offender, and the other
i saw on a commercial for the local association for the retarded...the kid i always saw at the bus stop in his big chef's hat...oh well.

but i dunno, maybe i'll go up to trinidad with those curtains sometime and we could hang out...he lives right by the lighthouse he said the other night. and he's ANOTHER "jr", haha!

just posted a good self portrait on my fotolog page...it's me trying to look all sexy in my tight white t-shirt...go look if you dare.

the right shirt can make manboobs look more like pecs.

after chatting went to AWC and got my ego fix for the evening...maybe i should wear white more? it does kind of look good on me or something.

doug's coming up with his new lady this weekend, will see them sunday. been a year.

i miss jrob a lot, but...well, i'm not gonna go into that...more dorkiness. he's got a date thursday, and shit,
i can't get...jealous...he's 3000 miles away.

" i'm more of a cuddling-on-the-couch-watching-a movie kind of guy...i mean, i dont go in the bushes looking for sex...tho some do..." - me, sunday night. (he said "i'd like that" but i couldn't tell if he meant with ME...the couch i mean, not the bushes!)

so...a bit dizzy (ditzy?) fried from work, cleaning house, confused as usual...

- MK

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