kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004

2:24 a.m.

been trying out a bunch of new backgrounds...this one is a detail from this picture...

forgot to show you this pic from the trip in september...


i was a bit...worked up the past few days...at work matty said i was intense...i'm more relaxed now...i can't be patient AND in a hurry at the same time, now can i? so, i'm opting for patient...special thanks to all my awc friends for listening to me go on...and on.

all i can do is be myself. i'm a pussycat, ok? i think i have a lot to offer.

we'll see.

had a nice chat with jrob last night, we talked about our shenanigans in july...

he said "but it was very different with you..i knew we weren't talking ltr, i was at a very strange place and thought we could just have a little closeness as friends cause you were cute and sweet...was really needing to be held, not to feel so alone in life and you and i had talked since october, around this time in fact, when
elliott died."

i said "yes i feel the same, tho i really missed you for a while, well, sure, i still do, but a few more days in sf, and you would have been in danger. i would have thrown you in the car and brought you home!"

we did a lot of good for each other, it was just playful fun...last month when steve and i were heading down fulton to the ocean at midnight i pointed out where...oh, that shit i wrote in italian, about sitting in the car with jrob before we went to the tea garden. i told him last night i SHOULD have wanked him a little there, how naughty! he got a kick out of that..i mean, don't point that thing at me if you don't intend to use it!

(e naturalmente, abbiamo ottenuto uno pi� dentro prima che dovesse interferire il suo bus!)


jrob was watching chris rock on comedy central last night, it's on here now...the one with his leather suit, they're not bleeping anything. oh, that would be fun, to be curled up on the couch watching that with him..i DO miss the boy...he's dating a bit here and there, that's so great.

a beautiful boy i know says "eye-talian", and that just makes me smile.

ok, it's late...time for bed.

xoxo and hugs,

- m.

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