kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2004

"a smile is just a frown turned around on the face of a clown" - devo
12:27 a.m.

i'm smiling...

if i told you the song that's been inspiring me lately, well...i'd have to kill all of you! it's WORSE than a guilty pleasure...oh, actually, i HAVE mentioned it...i sent it to matty last night, and he sent me some marching band stuff..."rock lobster"!!! haha, what a riot!

it's so funny how the corniest songs can sometimes hit home...matt's right, i AM a goober.

got something nice in a dream last night, but i had to make my way through a forest fire first...it was worth it.

got bummed last week by something i heard about myself, something someone said. not TO me, mind you...it was funny at first, but then...oh well. but then a total stranger told me how good i was looking, that i had lost weight. so that balanced out nicely. my really fat picture...oooh, honey, someday you will see it. tonight someone said that it didn't really look like me at all, he made my day. and the other night i ran across one that rob took a year ago, even that one, i can see the diff.

gimmie another year, and i will burn you DOWN!

ok, enough of this shit...did i mention i'm smiling?


- m.

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