kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

time for an adventure...
8:38 p.m.

here's what i bought today...

shorts and nylon jacket from thrift store
rain poncho
straw cowboy hat
insulated mug
camping pillow
water bottle
ziplock bags
trail mix
luna bars
cliff bars
black bean mix
tillamook sharp cheddar cheese...jason's favorite...

(did you know i lost my hetero virginity in tillamook, oregon?)

we're going to eat black bean polenta, lemon cake, pasta with pesto, pancakes...

here's where we're going...

it's blue tangle lake, not the other way around, i guess, i've seen it called both.

have some laundry and packing to do...i get off at 12:30 tomorrow.

i MIGHT take a FEW cigs with me...maybe. and i'm gonna take off my watch...what's the point?

i wanna get lost...do you know what i mean? lost from the familiar...

i unsuscribed from that daily horoscope thing...but..i'm doing some research on pheromones...


ok, i'll be back after monday...

- m.

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