kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004

6:48 p.m.

sunday i drove out to bayside grange. parked and walked all the way out jacoby creek road...went up quarry road to the end. turned back and went up other part of jacoby...nice out there.

dinner at j's sunday night, had a wonderful time.

only had two cigs today, i think i had a moment of clarity about that last night. it's time to quit.

going for a walk in the rain. life is very good right now.

macka...a SMALL smiley face, ok?

i'm a crockpot, not a microwave.

checked in some american crew shampoo and stuff today, i had to smell everything...HA!

hedgehogs are SO cute when they roll up into a ball, aren't they?

ok, that's all for now...

- m.

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