kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004

where i belong...
12:56 a.m.

had a good dinner with rob and his mum tonight.

thanks for the comments last entry...yes he is, isn't he???

looks like the boy's gonna talk me into joining the gym...stop laughing! he got me to the mountains, you know...anything is possible.

he really loved the BOOK, as he's very much into historical photographs...and wow, he sure is happy with his clock!

i cancelled my awc membership, it runs out feb. 8th. my, uh, work is done there i think.

gwm iso r/t, ok?

remember, it's the little things that mean a lot.

i have been FOREVER changed by the events of the past year. i'm slowly becoming someone else, someone new...no one is more shocked than me, ok?

working on new poem: moon/hands/the beautiful silence in the dark when no one needs to speak, etc.

frustration is a kind of hope...discuss.

it's raining and i am pondering a line or two...thinking just a LITTLE too much, you know me...i'm going with the flow and it is wonderful...baby steps.

i think even in the dark out on the stairs tonight rob could see it in my eyes.

the smoking thing.
back down to basic cable...all i really want is comedy central.
the gym.
a show of MY photos?
going down to four days a week at work for a few months, i want an extra day for myself...fuck the money.
more exploration down new paths, i just need to find the key.

i haven't bitten that apple yet, but it sure smells good.

time for bed...

- M.

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