kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2004

who dat guy?
11:20 p.m.

ok, j. said i could post his self-portrait from sunday night...(see previous entry)

better do it before he changes his mind!

i told him some people want to see him...he said "what people???" "people from all over the world!", i said.

i also told him to come and look in a day or two at the comments...i'm sure my boys will sprinkle a little sugar...
hehe, i'm still working on this entry and jamie has
already stopped by!

and sometimes me and j. sound as random as me and matt!...

j: i had a salad with spinach and twice baked potatoes
kstyle57: yum
kstyle57: i want you to make me your mac and cheese someday
j: i do it with parmesan
kstyle57: sounds great
j: do you like harpsichords?
kstyle57: hmm yes
j: me too
kstyle57: i would like to try a harp someday
j: oh i love that


ok, i'm done embarrassing the young man.

going to hang with rob and his mom on xmas after work...turkey tacos again, YUM!

work is crazy, just a few more days!

ok, see ya's in a few...


- M.

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