kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jan. 05, 2005

7:57 a.m.

wow, i've got some banners running, and they sure are taking a long time, what with all those commercial banners andrew is running.

if you came here looking for 2004 in review, click HERE for my previous entry.

the week has been more or less uneventful so far, but i'm in a great mood!

3-day weekend coming up!

my new datebook has this in it:

"no love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny
without leaving some mark on it forever." - francois mauriac

mmm, i LIKE that! but...the damn thing has MONDAY as the first day on the left, and it's driving me crazy!

i'm walking my miles, i'm a good boy...

ok, working late tonight, have some errands to run...catch ya soon!


- M.

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