kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

not much, how about you?
7:13 p.m.

i thought i had my color scheme kinda planned out for the living room/hallway, but last night j. gave me some ideas...i'm looking at color chips, it's fun.

had a good talk with my lesbian at work, about stuff like reciporcity, haha, big word! i gave her another kiss on the back of the neck...more goosebumps!

i was in a local yahoo room last night, talking to my friend greg, and i was just fooling around, clicking on different things...yahoo says "you cannot ignore yourself." hmm, that's kinda like a fortune cookie right there.

talked to steve last night, he's in seattle. he had a weird allergic reaction to some fish a few nights ago, throat swelled up, but he's fine.

thanks for the cd's, jamie :) i dig that michelle branch remix...but i still don't get the scissor sisters, everyone seems to love them. ok, they do the bee gees doing a pink floyd song...hmm, i dunno. i saw them on saturday night live and i thought they were horrible! oh well...

been walking a lot lately, getting back up to speed.

going to rob's friday for some flicks. i'm taking "the unheard music", the x film that is finally out again after 20 yrs...omg, it's great! i'm not gonna even go into that, i'd be here all night!

hi to dan and kevin!

ok, well, not much going on here, i need to get back to prepping walls...ugh. it's gonna look SO good when it's done. you'll see some pics, as you can imagine!

still working 4 days a week, getting paid for 5...yay!

ok, see ya soon...



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