kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Mar. 23, 2005

10:52 a.m.

spent most of the weekend online, the weather was bad here.

talked to a few of my therapists, and talked to my buddy troy from willits on the phone, we have...similar situations going, and...well, it was a good talk.

j came in the store last night and did some digital pics, that was fun.

i guess little debbie knows i'm gay. well, i KNOW she does.

saw gay rob at the store the other day, that boy is TALL!

talked to a nice jewish boy at gaydot last night. local kid. 6 foot, 140, hmm...haha, nevermind!

turned my cans and bottles in, got $19.36! i was shocked, i was expecting a lot less.

wow, i had several offers of cheap meaningless sex this weekend.

i get insecure and feel threatened at times by things out of my control (old news!), but i mean every word i say to you, please keep that in mind.

bobby said i'm NOT naive.

troy said it's hard walking on eggshells.

well, it's easier with your shoes off.

i know what i like, that makes things easier. and harder.

pun intended.

oh, and saturday is 3 yrs without a drink.

time for work.


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