kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Mar. 31, 2005

10:59 a.m.

wow, the week is almost over. i've been stressed, but it's my fault, whatever.

last sunday went up to have dinner with j and his friend kim...

we went to the seascape, yum yum!

was good to get to know her a little better. i think i really charmed her. it was fun to watch all the different interaction between the three of us...kinda hard to explain.

later j and i listened to some lyle lovett i brought, and he had this great cd from the library, that collection of women singers from the 30's, some boswell sisters stuff, and some connie boswell solo stuff is on there too. it's so nice to be able to enjoy that stuff with someone.

i have been advised to keep this short and sweet, haha! so i'll just say i had a wonderful evening, as always. the boy continues to make me smile.

life is good.

have lots to do tomorrow. get car serviced, get paid, taxes, etc, etc.

i know what i want for my birthday.

time for work, byeeee!


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