kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Apr. 08, 2005

1:49 p.m.

just a quickie here...

today: dmv, eye exam. currently cleaning house.

i'm off for four days for my birthday (monday)...it's raining.

had two very long therapy sessions last night, two different dr. k's, how funny!

insight, perception, worries, hopes.

i need to shit or get off the pot, but i'm scared to rock the boat cuz i can't swim.

mixed metaphors, i know.

it all has to be for a reason, right?

i woke up quite clear-headed this morning, i dunno if i liked it or not.

the fat lady is still in her dressing room, warming up.

what would you do if you were me?

it's so close, so fucking close to what i've always wanted.


geez, i've actualy been looking at horoscopes!

"For a long time, you may have felt like you didn't fully have a handle on things. While you wanted more control, you had to be patient. As an Aries, you don't like having to accept a passive role. You prefer to pinpoint actions that can be reasonably undertaken under any circumstance, but there weren't any, so the past weeks have probably been hard. Now, all the pieces of your puzzle will begin to fall into place very rapidly--faster than you ever thought possible."

"Rather than reacting or responding to circumstance, try initiating change."

"Because you are more sensitive than usual, what you perceive now, whether favorable or unfavorable, will likely seem different shortly thereafter."

"This is the last chapter of stress and strain and what you are beginning to see now, is the real meaning of this particular cosmic learning curve. The greatest allies you have, even if you are not too keen on them, are patience, long-term focus and deferred gratification."

oh, well, whatever....

i don't want to get too old without...real love.


ok, the cat wants a word here...

ok, see you after monday.

a year older...

and a little bit wiser...

i hope :)


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