kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Apr. 11, 2005

1:02 a.m.

went up north tonight, the boy treated me to dinner...
i had a steak, it was real good.

sat on the bench by the lighthouse above the harbor..it's like paradise up there.

at his house we had a very good talk, i got a lot of things out i've needed to say for a long time. things that have been rattling around in my head. a little clarification, if you will.

i think things are gonna go along as they have been, for now. that's ok. it's really, really, really nice. as was tonight.

dan, that's THREE really's, please note. :)

nothing's changed. but i got some answers.

i don't remember half of what i said, those things have been in my head for a while. oh, i just said that, didn't i?

the boy makes me feel alive, i can't ask for more than that right now.

i'm going through things and feeling things i never have before.

and the big question i had...hmm, well maybe you can go down both forks of the road at the same time...

i'm not gonna explain what that means, sorry.

we listened to emmylou harris and dave brubeck.

i'm so fucking lucky.

i'm not in any hurry.

and i've always been honest with him, i have no choice.

"the future's not ours to see..."

oh, i'm gonna catch hell for this one, believe me!

wow, ok.

kev's coming by after work, with a prezzie!

thanks for your ear, rob.

ok, time for bed.


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