kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2005

post b-day...
8:48 p.m.

had a quiet birthday yesterday...thanks for all the good wishes!

did some walking. sheila called from work. kevin came by, i was sleeping on the couch, had the front door open a bit. what a funny way to wake up! he gave me the joni mitchell "artist's choice" cd from starbucks...edith piaf, etta james..hmm, some good cuddlin' music, i'd say!
i was trying to wake up, but i stayed flat on the couch...kev sat on the ottoman, and i had a quick therapy session right there.

buddy came out of the computer room to say hi to uncle k.

got a nice gift from phu!

felt a bit odd yesterday...everything is the same, yet different..it's good.

oh, and went to BK, i treated myself. and got some magazines at borders.

sw, j, kiwi, matt and macka all wished me well. got a card from that boy that broke my heart all those years ago too. he's single now, after 9 yrs, hmmm...


we all got $75 gift cards at work, we did great on that customer phone survey thingy!

you know, you CAN fall in love with an idea, but when reality kicks in, that's when you have to roll up your sleeves and get to work, and not be afraid to get dirty.

been reading petey's diary with great interest lately, we have been going through similar things, thought it sounds like his situation may be over, and i think mine is STILL beginning...

oops, speak of the devil...gotta run!



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