kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, May. 05, 2005

i smell sex and candy...
12:27 a.m.

ok, so....

the dick is like... the clit, right?

and the balls, those are the eggs, the ovaries, ok?

men have nipples cuz eveyone has nipples.

and assholes are a dime a dozen!

i like how the raw materials turn into different but similar stuff.

ahh, but what makes you crave the same parts, not the opposite ones?

is it the "soul"?

anal sex is just making do with what's available. a biological adaptation, i always say.

but hey, you know me...i think holding hands can be the height of...sensuality or whatever.

4 legs all intertwined...mmmmm, yeah.

flannel sheets.

a look that lasts just a second longer that it should.

"geez, another you-know-what!"

i'm in the mood for some old john waters movies.

fresh haircuts.


oranges and coffee in a stand-up kitchen.

touch the ceiling.

it's too late to speak too soon.

wow, now THAT'S a good line! rob, can you do something with that?

i'd better go see what the moon's looking like... :)

- M.

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