kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, May. 20, 2005

what is life without adventure?
9:56 a.m.

woohoo! going on an overnight homo camping trip up to gold bluff beach! that's right where fern canyon is. kev and i are heading up at 1pm, dan is coming up after work. it's gonna be a bunch of guys from the chat room...olan, master k, delnorteminx, ykw, d-guy, amulet, and, uh...mkaro! maybe more, i dunno.

i'm sure kev will take pics, my camera is still fucked up.

working on notes for a big speech i might have to give next weeek...the time has come, perhaps. we'll see how things go. i can't go on like this, life is too short.

but maybe something fun and different before goodbye...would THAT change things?

i have no idea...

ok, back in a few!

- M.

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