kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jul. 04, 2005

early monday morning
2:40 a.m.

omg, it's late!

a weird weekend, i went from fun to boredom and back several times.

friday had a long chat with peter and kev, much fun!

saturday i went to farmer's mkt, then walked 2 hrs on the arcata bottoms, out in the country.

last night i went to the club! walked downtown from peter's, it was nice out. it was slow, but still fun, guess a lot of people are gone for weekend. ricky is touchy-feely, it's fun. he had his chaps and harness on. i wanted to dance but the floor was empty.

i helped peter pick out a shirt to wear, so THERE! he's really tan, it looks so good on him.

today i goofed off, felt a bit sad and lonely, actually.

i have money problems i'm working on.

i need "another prop to occupy my time"...thanks, stipe.

bbq tomorrow after work at kev/dan's...i'm taking a big watermelon!

last night...hello/goodbye kisses, hugs, butt squeezes...from various folks. was a fun night.

peter was rubbing mike's shoulders so i got on a stool and rubbed peter's at the same time, hehehe...

various chats with the boy.

jr is working at borders...did i already say that?

want another crack at some crosstown cuddling...who knows when i'll head up north again, still waiting for an invite.

i have a picture of a nice moment with him on the steps behind k's studio, looking at the woods. tho i have a feeling he won't show.

i'm still fucked up sometimes. it comes and goes. too many nice memories, too recent.


ugh, work in 6 hrs. holiday pay, tho.

shared pics with kiwi on new yahoo thingy, much fun!

ok then, goodnight!


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