kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Aug. 08, 2005

sunday/monday early
1:08 a.m.

hmmm, let's see..

had a quiet weekend.

friday talked with the loan lady in sacramento, looks like things are gonna be good on that front.

went to rob's last night. tacos! watched the end of "24 hour party people" great movie. great time chatting, we're so deep and clever, haha!

was up till 7am working on art last night, some good stuff. see, i had coffee at rob's...but no pot, can't do both.

talked to boomer tonight, him and sw had an awesome time in oklahoma city, i'm so happy for those guys.

a certain hot stud was in seattle this weekend...his bio line read "in seattle...need to go out. like 19-25 yr old white guys...or older super hot guys like me!"

kiwi, you know who i mean.

chatting with anthony right now...26 days in a row, wow. we are camming and smiling at each other, haha!

life could be much worse.

ok, back to work tomorrow!


- michael

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