kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005

mid-week report
7:24 p.m.

wow! looks like steve from ohio is gonna be out here for a week at the end of september! omg, are we gonna have fun! more on that as it develops...

the cutest people are the ones who don't know/don't think they're cute.

karl rove was on the covers of both time and newsweek and i have to admit i really don't know who he is.

"golden years" by bowie is ALWAYS a joy when it comes on at work.

i called a friend i haven't heard from in a while...no email, didn't see him around...just to make sure he was...alive :) he IS..

i'm trying to hook up a girl and a boy i know, i think they would really hit it off.

i'm not watching tv. big brother looks like it's full of babes and hunks...boring. that's why i gave up on the real world...um, the show i mean.

great article in the new yorker about rei kawakubo, who started comme des garcons. i find her fascinating.

had a quiet weekend. work has been hectic.

been up late most nights...chatting with anthony. yeah, the boy has a name. though i call him antonio a lot. it's going great. he's a great kid. we have a great time talking. it's been a great 3 weeks. it's great.

i can't defend myself to people who think it's a bit crazy. so i won't try.

money problems make it hard to concentrate on some things. but that should all be better soon.

strange name of the week: roger STRANGE!

i was down today at work...some stupid songs made me think.

good luck sw and boomer!

i won a cd from devian!

did YOU see me dancing to sade on my cam last week???


back in a few days...

- michael

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