kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Oct. 16, 2005

sunny sunday afternoon
2:03 p.m.

hi there.

tiniest bit of a dry tickle in my throat, i don't think it's gonna turn into anything, really.

found a joni tribe at, uh...tribe!

last weekend at rob's watched the first part of the dylan thing, and the last hour or so of sid and nancy...that really bothered me for some reason, weird. i've seen it many times... oh, i dunno...drugs. what a waste.

last night we watched the bell and sebastian dvd, that was really fun.

tony's been taking some black and whites too...the boy has a very good eye. it's so fun to share pics on yahoo in real time...we've been editing a few of each other's pics too, cropping, contrast...it's like remixing a song in a way. he's been doing a lot of shadows. hmmmmm :)

have to ask if i can post that one i edited, it turned out real nice.

we had a great week, me and the boy. some heavy talks, some silly fun, and well, you know...it's ALL good. he's so fucking sweet, he kills me.

i rastered a portrait i did of him and printed it into 12 sheets. i need to explore that process some more, it gives me all sorts of ideas.

i showed him some chuck close paintings. cuz of the way his pic was all broken up into little dots. mmm, i love chuck close.

we have a bit of a milestone coming up this week. and SF in january is sounding very much a possibility.

look, we talk about 3 hours a night, he's a big part of my life these days. of course i'm gonna talk about him.

and don't you HATE it when people start a sentence with "look..." ?

yes i'm short, but tall enough to have my head in the clouds AND my feet on the ground.

i am not spending money foolishly. but, i have my last 2 paychecks i haven't even deposited yet, and a refund check from the mortgage company, as my last mayment on my old loan crossed the mail with them paying it off.

i haven't even used a credit card since i paid them off. paypal, however, won't let me register either one yet, so i guess i have to make some phone calls, no biggie.

poor kev is in bed by 9:30, his new job is keeping him busy.

i still have a bunch of emails to send out. and tons of pics to edit.

OH! i posted 18 new ones yesterday in the flickr gallery...click on the link under this entry and go to the "from my new camera" album. click on the slideshow feature :)

i could have posted more but they were big files i hadn't resized. i used up my monthly quota of space or whatever. hmm, a pro account is only 25 bucks, might look into it. i THINK you have to be a member to leave a comment there, but if you see something you like, drop me a comment here, you know how needy i am!

made some great chicken salad this week. and egg salad yesterday.

hmm, ok. back to the couch for a few magazines and the snl "best of david spade" i taped last night.



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