kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Oct. 21, 2005

100 days
12:11 a.m.


it's after midnight. tony and i are chatting. tonight marks 100 days chatting without missing a day. i tihnk that's pretty damn cool.

i've been talking about him a lot recently, as you may have noticed! i've been thinking a lot today about this entry, i had a lot i thought i'd say, but i think i'll keep it brief. most of what i was gonna say i have pretty much said before.

however, tonight we have some pictures!!

(with the boy's permission, of course!)

as i said last time, tony's been doing some great pics lately, we share pics all the time on yahoo, that is always a blast.

we also talk about all sorts of things. we go to websites. we snack together. compare our days. the weather. listen to music together.

oh, and once in a while we burn it DOWN...if you know what i mean.

i do feel a bit "mentor"-ish at times, it's fun to turn him on to new things. and he does the same for me.

anyway, here's 2 pics. we've both been doing lots of shadows...can you tell which is mine and which is tony's?


i would say that sometimes we look at things the same way...

get it? hehehe...

yup, there he is...

i have to say, one of the coolest things about him is that at his age he KNOWS what and who he is, he's not questioning anything...his sexuality, etc. we should have all been so lucky, you know.

hmm, what next here?

ok, here's his boy-next-door look :)

mmm, the white t shirt, classic!

this is my favorite cam capture i've done...

that's him giving me what i call "the look" :)

damn..."oh my", as tony says...

do you see why i'm staying up too late these days?

100 days. amazing.

we're not in love. he's not my "boyfriend"...you can't do that online. it's silly and dangerous. we obviously know each other pretty well, as well as you can online. i still think i'm being realistic. i can't be in a hurry, he's 1200 miles away.

i just want to see where this ride goes, so does he. i'm no chicken hawk. the attraction was mutual from the first night. i didn't lure anyone. when we meet..oh, who knows? life is short.

we just started talking and we never stopped.

the third or fourth chat we had...well, i was sleeping and woke up at 4am for some reason. i came in here to check mail, and tony popped on. he couldn't sleep either. i guess we were yahoo buddies already. that was interesting. a very memorable night.

ok...more pics...

here's a treatment i did of a pic he sent me.

and here's a shot of my desk...

he's a beautiful guy, inside and out. i care about him a lot.

3 months have flown by. we exchanged packages. we text all the time. phone calls with both of us giggling like mad.

it's really really nice, this..."thing".

no map. no compass. it's more fun that way.

respect. trust. affection. all that good stuff.

it's the 21st. century, remember.

i feel great.

hehe, ok, enough babbling. the boy is waiting to see what i've done here.

thanks for listening to me go on.


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