kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Oct. 31, 2005

monday morning
9:29 a.m.

had a quiet weekend.

quick chat with kev, he's been busy with new job. him
and dan both have the flu :(

happy birthday macka!

quick chat also with boomer, him and sw had another great weekend, it sounds like.

i went OFF on some 17 yr old chick who was gay-bashing in a yahoo room. these kids come in there and say shit like "you guys are all gay!!!" how lame. she apologized eventually, that was cool. maybe i'll post that chat we had.

made reservations yesterday...

tony and i are ON for jan 20-22...we found a perfect flight on priceline for him, arriving friday morning and leaving sunday night. he's getting tickets this week.


i'm a little nervous, but mostly excited.

tentative plans to do some "figure studies" of a friend, that will be a new and fun experience. have to talk about locations, etc. he wants soft, semi, and hard shots. i'm thinking the woods or the beach. i'm picturing him shaving at the bathroom sink in a white t shirt and socks...but maybe that's just MY fantasy... :)

i'm not fluffing, though!

oh, i've been posting a pic every day at my fotolog, click on the link down there...color pics. found some nice fotologs too, they're listed on the right side of my page there. getting some b/w shots ready to add to flickr after the first of the month.

oh, and tony started a flickr galllery, go have a look HERE...good stuff!

ok, that's all for now...

love ya's,


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