kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005

hello there!
3:06 p.m.

me and matty usually hang out and chat in the parking lot on mondays after work. it's the only day we work together. here's some shots from last night...

here were are looking like total dorkazoids.

matt dances while i have a smoke.

saw a good patty hearst thing at rob's saturday night, and then we watched "clockwatchers", one of my faves. i wouldn't throw parker posey out of MY bed. god, what a name!

lent some money to an old friend last week, it felt good that i'm in the position to do so.

some great chats with tony the last week or so.

that thing i lost last night i found this morning. thanks for the help, boo :)

private joke, sorry.

ok, see ya's soon...


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