kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006

the flannel and the fur...
11:16 p.m.

still working on my year-in-review...in my head. still. i want to do it right.

someone dared me to post this:

i have no shame, you should know that by now!

just think how warm i could keep you on a cold winter night.


new punk name i came up with: "nick name"...

i was sick a bit this week, feeling much better. took a day and a half off work.

just finished idoru, now i'm re-reading neuromancer...guess i'm gonna go through ALL my william gibson. again.

i'm still hardly watching any tv, but "project runway" has caught my attention. those boys make me feel so butch! guadalupe BLEW IT last night, what were you THINKING, girl?

there's a benefit showing of "brokeback mountain" saturday MORNING at 10:30...oh, the trailer looked stunning, the guys are hot...but i dunno, i know the ending is sad...i don't wanna see a bunch of guys get all weepy...besides, it's a benefit for AIDS, and i think we should fight AIDS, not give AIDS money, sheesh!

there's someone local i'd sure like to cuddle with on his couch and listen to some tunes. nothing heavy. about my height. semi-close to my age. hmmmmmmmmmmm.


back in a few, MAYBE with that big entry.


- M.

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