kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006

1:32 p.m.

still dragging my feet on the year-in-review thingy...it'll come. i've been pleasantly distracted the last few days.

might make a trip to sf in late feb to see X at the great american music hall. floated the idea to sheila, so maybe her and maggie will go with me, and i emailed doug and he could come up from modesto with his girl, that would be such a blast!

maggie turned 17 last week! and today is sheila's birthday, you know i love the period between jan 10th and april 11th cuz during that time she is TWO years older than me, hahahah!

a friend of maggie's went to NYC last summer, he took this pic in the subway...i stole it from his myspace...

i mean, HELLO! it's kurt cobain, right?

i'm trying to ease into the new year like i'm trying on a pair of shoes i haven't worn for a while...

what ever THAT means.

ok, back soon.


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