kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Mar. 25, 2006

RE-RUN #25
"hi and bye"

1:04 a.m.

original date: 2-18-05

well, ok, it's my day off and i was up before 8am, having my decaf and dancing around to al green (more songs talking directly to me!) and i'm gonna go do some miles when i'm done here and tonight i have a date with my married bf kev (if dan calls it a date then so can i, but you know, kev's my BUDDY!) and this weekend j and i might go do a big litter pickup and take some pics of the gym cuz it is historical and it might be torn down, and that will be i think 4 weekends in a row hanging out and that is a frequency i like and kevin your blog came in so handy last night i will tell you later and rob the library was fun and i guess i will just have to recap the whole last week or so soon before it gets too far away but every day is fun in one way or another and remember that shoes do not make the man and remember that the roots may not be deep yet but i have planted seeds and kisses in wicked gardens tucked away on unmarked roads and ok al green knows just what to say in any situation, i love it, and i got my new jeans, 32 inch waist and they are fine, and did you hear dennis coupland is gay i mean...duh!

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