kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Apr. 08, 2006

ready to hit the road
4:17 p.m.

steve just called, he's in sf walking around with his friends. he was at washington square park, and said that great italian place we ate at is boarded up, looks like there was a fire. that's a shame, it was the oldest restaurant in sf, i'm sure they'll reopen.

they were looking for pizza, and i got a google map and gave him directions to golden boy, it's on green just 2 blocks from where they were.

leaving tomorrow, think i'll go as far as san rafael and get a room. maybe check out mill valley, haven't been there in over 25 years! maybe i can get a new-age massage or even a hot tub sounds good.

ok, there was sometihng structurally wrong with that last sentence. eat me.

meeting steve at 11am monday in front of the triton. we're gonna hit cafe claude (mmm, creme brulee!) for lunch and then hit 101 north. the plan is to take him back thursday, but he can stay till saturday if he wants, he's flying back saturday at midnight...but, hmm, you know, JR is here and they have been chatting and...yes, hmmm :)

have some recent semi-deep thoughts and observations to share, but thay can wait, nothing crucial.

mop the kitchen floor and the house is done!

i might make a short virtual walk-through vid of the house and post it on my myspace, i put up a vid last week i made for tony a while ago, a rainy day with the cat jumping in the kitchen window..it's HERE.

i DID hear from tony last week, cuz i sent him a note teasing him about the TITS on his myspace, hehe! and he messaged me today but i was gone.

i DO miss him, you guys know that. i still have my custom-fit rubbers, btw :) i was ready to HIT IT.

oh, and after his message, i was playing some sade, and was dancing around for the cat to "lover's rock"...

there's a few people i miss actually...so, hmmm...

"Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've Heard this one before
Stop me, oh, stop me
Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before

Nothing's changed
I still love you, oh, I still love you
...Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love" - morrisey

ok, i'll be back before you know it.

love you guys,


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