kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Apr. 07, 2006

7:27 p.m.

paid 10 bills, all caught up.

deposited almost 5000 in checks in checking account, finally deposited yours too, thanks again...7 paychecks, that's so dumb.

it's SO nice being rich!

vacuumed car.

got car serviced by cute asian and mexi boys while i sat in car, 15 minutes, all done.

filled tank...they only have regular at shell on harris... weird.

went to target, bought table lamp, new lampshade for another lamp, new doormat, pillow and sleeping bag (10 bucks!) for steve, pillow cases, and new vacuuum cleaner...was only 80 bucks, but it does the job.

have a few hrs of tidying up and i guess i'll be done.

oh and quick shampoo/mop job on living room rug.

noise in kitchen this morning...mr. brown on top of fridge getting into bag of cat food! the BALLS on that guy, i swear...

hong kong admirer caught up with me last night, we haven't talked in a month. i've never seen what he looks like.

chatted with j today. reiterated "hope you have time to have a life, free time, etc."

got confirmation that car is paid off!

good phone talk last night, thanks.

i'll probably take recycleables myself tomorrow.

i should be free tomorrow night.

this looks like an entry now.


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