kstyle.diaryland.com Thursday, Apr. 13, 2006

day 3 of steve's visit
3:53 a.m.

the new background is from trinidad, tuesday afternoon.

got messages from both dan and kev.

cat slept with ME last night.

wednesday was jam packed, to say the least...

we got going about noon. went to sequoia park. walked down to duckpond as the road is closed due to dozens of downed trees...from january storms i guess. i didn't hear anything about that. what a fucking mess, wow!

here's steve on the trail that leads to the waterfalls...

checked out the zoo, i hadn't been there in years.

drove out walnut to elk river. took pics at both covered bridges.

stopped by pierson's garden center. looked at the koi in the pond, it's so pretty out there. eric wasn't around :(

went to the mall. we stalked JR for a few minutes, he was with customers. steve and him talked, i was smiling! they are getting together tomorrow afternoon, yay! so he's staying an extra day and we'll head back to sf friday. guess i'll stay at ocean park again. i bought 2 mags and the jefferson airplane book. oh, and a cd of techno-trance music from india, 2 discs, one is remixes, it's nice stuff.

went to arcata for a late lunch...luzmilla's. peter wasn't working. saw some hotties.

walked across street to wildberries. got some treats at bakery and some dark chocolate. steve bought some local beer. think i saw mr. wonderful.

back to eureka. went to small boat basin. drove out to king salmon. went up humboldt hill, showed steve my dream house...

went by golf course via pine hill. went up to lundbar hills.

a few architectural detours here and there.

came home. steve napped, i did email.

met matty at 7 at applebee's. was so fun, all of us together.

i had a salad.

went to the store. steve met juanita. he got some stuff for his allergies, he's been sneezing today.

starbucks drive-through for coffee and green tea latte. honked at 2 cute guys.

came home, looked at rental prices in town. did google earth, we looked at ohio, paris, rome, egypt, sf (compared some of my pics of motel to satellite images, much fun.) and some local stuff.

steve did laundry.

did cam/chat room a bit, said steve was my son, haha!

watched top chef, dave was crying and drinking wine...

more cam fun...pg-rated. flashed tummies.

steve's sleeping. buddy's BY him but not ON him.

good lord, it's after 4am!

we're going to ferndale tomorrow.

back soon...


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