kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jun. 05, 2006

it's morrissey day here for some reason...
9:20 p.m.

today cooper said "Morrissey�s L.A. years will forever be known as his fat period. I saw him around a few times, and he was a tub."

well, yes, he's...thicker than he was 20 years ago. maybe he got really big for a while. but in a way, part of me has to wonder how a vegetarian could get fat!

then someone commented that he heard morrissey had a leather daddy when he lived in L.A. hahaha, i mean, c'mon, the guy won't even wear leather SHOES!

then i found out that mozzer wrote a b-side just for me! here's the vid...

that last line, "no te diviertes con papi?" is spanish for "don't you have fun with your daddy?"

ok, back soon with some updates, etc.

- M.

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