kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006

up late...
3:51 a.m.

in the middle of a lazy weekend here.

much communication going on. chatted with...let's see...sw tonight, always fun. macka frequently before i go to bed. long chat with adrienne the other day, good stuff. she thought that 40 year old boy was a doll. his, uhh, lemons are very nice.

she is sending cooper some pics for monday's "home interiors" day he's doing over there. a pic of her katrina-ravaged house. here's the one i submitted, it's my bedroom door...would YOU enter?
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much fun commenting in local blogs, kev, dan, scott, don.

talked with a kid from fortuna tonight. he thinks he knows matty.6-2, yikes. and of course, he's 19. don't blame me, i draw 'em like flies on yahoo. it's weird.

oh, and i finally met that alexander guy in person at work the other day. that little chubby bear cub. god, he's cute. i'll tell you more about that later, it's an interesting story...sorta.

what's that outkast song about "you think your shit don't stink"? that's a good one.

doug sent me the pics i took with his camera last week. here's the mouth of the klamath where we saw the whales.
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oh, and i found this tonight. it's me and steve checkin' out a peener.
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we take these things very seriously, as you can see.

rob called from tucson a while ago. things are going well at the conference. the cat seems to be traveling well. it seemed weird not to even have the option of hangin' out tonight. he'll be in DC by friday.

today i read, napped, etc. the burroughs book is a riot!

my lesbian-next-door is moving to colorado soon. got a job teaching. i'll be glad to see booboo go, he sprays in the garage, but i wish mr. brown could stay.

some songs remind me of certain boys...blue, white flag, etc.

every boy is a song.

fuck, it's almost 430 a.m., time for papi to get to bed.

thom, have a safe trip to france!

love ya's,

- M.

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