kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006

tired and sore and talking too much...
7:39 p.m.

man, am i sore!

helped rob sunday for like 6 hrs, moving stuff. up and down the stairs, boxes, bookcases, etc. my calves are like iron.

helped some more last night too. i was not getting around too well today at work. but waking up those muscles is good.

rob changed his plans, cuz the u-haul was kinda small and so is his truck. so he rented a big truck and is leaving his truck here. he'll fly out in july and maybe i can go get him in sf and bring him up here and then he'll drive his truck back to dc. saw him this morning, him and his mum are on their way now. gonna miss the fucker!

oh, and sunday afternoon i took rob's mom to the store and i saw my buds from wabash street..i was all hot and sweaty and dirty. they both mentioned me in their blogs yesterday, that was so funny. scott said maybe another shower vid was on the way, and i wrote back and and said perhaps a bubble bath, haha! and his hubby got the job he was hoping for, cool!

i guess pride sunday was kind of a joke. when kev and dan got there there was nothing going on, except in the alibi. nothing on the plaza. i guess it was just the parade and that's all. oh well, i didn't miss much i guess.

you know why i love dan? cuz when he gets a call on his cell phone in a public place, he goes OUTSIDE! right on!

in march i went OFF on this chick in the mini-mart on her cell phone...that's one of my march stories i need to tell you later.

kev knew that was my post on craiglist, that's a funny story. he called me a dirty little daddy. that was the post i got a nibble from, that james from HSU. all i'll say is that it wasn't a looking-for-sex post, i was just sorta saying hi to someone. and this james guy wrote me saying " hi, you sound interesting. i'm a smooth bottom, 24..." etc. and his cell #. what a dork. i saw his myspace, kinda cute, but, ahhh, too eager to hit the sheets.

no word from ryan, and if that's HIS post on CL today, i'm really not interested. but i'm not sure that was him.

i have all my online BF's to keep me from being bored. i did some roleplaying a few weeks ago, as some of you know, haha! that was fun actually. i can be a stern little dad, and it's fun. but do you know who i'd really like to spank?

my lip is zipped.

yesterday the most beautiful guy in the world (i'm sure he has a certificate or something) came around a corner at work, smiled at me and said "hey mike, how's it going?" no idea who he was. ok, i was wearing a name tag, whatev. stunning. sorta latino, few day's growth of beard. not too tall. carharrts! i was dizzy for a while. one of those i'll never see again, i'm sure. weird.

i'm just having trouble trusting people...believing them...like these local guys that halfway seem interested. it's hard to explain. and when i'm around a bunch of the guys, at times i feel like every one KNOWS something i dont...some rules that weren't explained to me or something. the curse of the late bloomer perhaps...

still feeling shy about approaching that certain guy...i know we'd have fun just hangin', but...i dunno. there's much sadness in his eyes. shit, i'd snuggle him in a heartbeat. i need to pump some friends for some info, maybe.

it's so easy to find something wrong with everyone. is that just a matter of standards, or not wanting to get too involved?

like i'm so perfect? HA!

why can't we just BUILD the perfect mate? i mean, if i could splice j's interests and passions with t's sense of play and his, ummmm...libido, haha...wouldn't THAT be an interesting package...

that's just ONE combination that i've thought about.

sorry to (almost) name names and attribute characteristics...

and i'd throw p in there somewhere too. a year later, and i still don't know what that was all about. i knew it wasn't gonna go anywhere, but...yeah, some nice parts there too, haha! a bit of a troubled confused soul, but who isn't? but that wasn't sex, it was just warm bodies and a little play play. i still want to take some pics of him someday, i know i could capture what i thought was so beautiful. shit, i wrote my best poem about him and...someone. you don't know how sassy i felt waking up in someone's bed and running off to have lunch with someone else! slut!

wow i thought this was gonna be a short entry. i better shut my trap right now!

you guys are quiet out there. daddy needs comments. i'll return the favor, i promise.

i guess no one gave a shit about dubai....beotches!

time to chill.

love ya's,

- M.

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