kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jul. 10, 2006

long-ass entry about a short trip
3:52 p.m.

ok, let's see if i can do this without writing a novel, haha! there WILL be lots of pics, however!

got ready to go friday morning. hobble ate leftovers...
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while buddy just kinda sat on the car roof and glared at me.
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i was on the road by 8 a.m. uneventful trip down. was warm around santa rosa. some construction going on here and there, but i made it to the gg bridge in 4 hrs. 35 min, wow!

it's weird, ever since i discovered that whole outer sunset area, SF doesn't feel so much like an amusement park to me. it's so mellow and quiet out there. it's not quite deja vu, but..it just feels familiar and comfortable. it's like it's not any big deal going to the city anymore, it's just a neighborhood i hang out in...260 miles away!

only took 15 minutes to get out to the motel. marc is such a nice guy. his wife was watering the plants. their son was hanging around. "matt", i think, haha! he's like 15, 16. gorgeous kid.

i actually got a room in the courtyard, it had a kitchen
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here's the view out the door...
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do you see why i LOVE the place???

chilled for a bit. drove around, looked at a few of my houses from my realty emails. went over to judah, got some munchies at the other avenues health food store. sushi, veggie wraps, some good juices, and a nice mango. back to the room, ate, almost took a nap.

headed downtown to meet rob. went out judah, through SF state. found out that judah ends up on the hill right above haight st, so, HA! nice short cut to know. all of a sudden i was like "oooh, i know where i am!"

got downtown, parked at the sutter-stockton garage, the cheap one. walked down to virgin, bought some mags. went down to market, called rob. he was on the ground at SFO, waiting for his train. i told him i'd be on the top level. but when i got to the station, i was a bit freaked by all the people. friday night, everyone heading home, it was packed. so i bought a ticket and went down to the platform. it's a lot bigger down there than i remembered, and shit, the trains, some of 'em had 10 cars. i was stressing about finding rob.
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i had no idea where he'd get off the train, i could be at the wrong end, etc. they come into the station pretty fast! but...one train came in and slowed to a stop. i thought i saw him... yep! he got out and had his back turned. i said "hey, buddy, got a dollar?"

drove out to the motel. chilled, got settled in. then we walked 3 blocks down to the bashful bull too. good good food. rob had the chicken fried steak, and i had the best hamburger ever! a bunch of cute asian boys working there.
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it's a great place, not a dive, not too fancy.

walked the 2 blocks to the ocean after dinner, just in time for the sunset.
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more chillin, catching up, etc. rob has been up since 2 a.m. cali time. but we went for a drive. i took sloat out to, umm...potrero, that great curvy downhill ride where you can see the whole city and the bay bridge all lit up. it's really breathtaking. came down the hill, turned on castro, and showed rob gaytown real quick, just drove through. i don't think he'd like daddy's bar too much...is friday underwear or jockstrap night???

went downtown, drove by the gold dust lounge, but parking was bad. we headed back on market, went back UP potrero. rob napped for few. i was afraid i would fuck up getting back on sloat, but i DID IT! stopped at the albertson's and got some stuff, i did the self-checkout thing for the first time, seems so weird.

rob conked out before i did, i read for a while.

i woke up fairly early saturday. went for a walk, almost to the park. did like 3 miles. here's some architectural highlights of the outer sunset.
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these next 2 are for sw :)

the grey victorian
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and the $500,000 fixer-upper cottage.
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seriously, that's all i could see. what a load of balls!

here's a few pics of life in the outer sunset...
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we had breakfast at the bull, rob said it was the best. i had steak and eggs and rob had...chicken fried steak??? no, wait, i said he had that for dinner...i'm spacing out! he said the pancakes were awesome. anyhoo, here's a pic of rob...
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i bought a little chinese good luck charm there. cute, huh?
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that thing on the bottom is a burning candle or a cock, haha, i'm not sure!

checked out, drove out judah to the haight. spent like an hour at amoeba, got a few things. went back downtown, hit virgin, bought a few more things. here's the list of all the booty i came home with:

magazines -
the word
giant (didn't buy it, they put it in my bag at virgin)

dvd's -
new york doll
party monster

books -
2 of those 33 1/3 books, one on bowie's low, the other on costello's armed forces
no place to hide, all about how we are being watched by the government, corperations, etc, that's gonna be a good one.

cd's -
bryan ferry: these foolish things
the birthday party: mutiny/ the bad seed
xtc: white music

plus, almost every magazine had a sampler cd included...

so yeah, plenty of good stuff.

we were thinking of going down to SFMOMA, but it was getting to be late afternoon, and lord, i could drop a lot of money at their bookstore. so we stopped at starbucks across from the triton and headed out. drove throught the marina. lots of eye candy for both of us!

oh! here's some pics i took, more people shots...
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that last one is my favorite from the whole trip, i think. i posted a big black and white of that on my fotolog. take a look if you can!

was damn hot in some parts on the way home. we stopped in willits for BK and gas. got home just in time to catch a nice humboldt sunset.
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well, look...i KNEW it was gonna be a monster entry, oh well!

ok, i need to take a look at this, probably make a few edits, etc...i'll maybe post a few more pics during the week at fotolog, i'm still kinda looking them over.

alright, thanks for your time if you made it this far!

hugs and kisses,


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