kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jul. 14, 2006

9:03 p.m.

hi there.

been a busy week. i'm working different days and hours cuz pete is on vacation.

i wake up and have NO IDEA what day it even is...

i have a bunch of notes here, but i'm pooped, so a longer entry is coming maybe next time.

thanks for the comments on the pics in last entry. i hated to post over them actually :)

ok, hmm, let's see...

rob called from washington state last night. when he was here he came over and did his email, etc. a few times. looks like he's gonna stay at sw's when he passes through iowa! how cool is that???

ok, let me look at my notes...

pornotube is an interesting site, umm hmmm.

kev's dad is a handsome devil.

i don't think i told you...when i was helping rob move, i found out that his neighbor's boyfriend is that guy i saw at work with "fuck off" tattooed on the back of his head. god, that's gross.

found my next door neighbor's myspace...ben is 16 now!
i remember that time he asked me to wipe his butt cuz he said he couldn't reach it, haha! when WAS that? oh yeah...march.


i have more pics to post, but i'm kinda sitting on them right now...they're so-so, but after a while i see something good in them, you know?

i sent a picture to this little literary magazine in SF..."instant city". they're looking for submissions. i sent that one of the couple under the umbrella in claude lane.
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we'll see what happens.

i still don't know if my buddy was pulling my leg with that stuff about the 4th...he hasn't written back.

look, we all have our own level of personal sluttiness, right? but i mean....oink oink!

but i'm not sure i WANT to hear any more.

the problem is, being a bit of a freudian, actions and deeds tend to take on great symbolism for me...people become archetypes...oh shit, my dreams are full of archetypes...you know...the figure that suddenly appears in the landscape and changes everything?

i just looked up "archetype : "In Jungian psychology, an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious".. ok, i'm freudian/jungian, whatever.

i'm only a slut in 2 dimensions. i've cultivated a nice little posse of admirers online...but that's just entertainment. i never said it was satisfying.

alfredo popped on one saturday afternoon..."dad, take your shirt off NOW! i want to cum hard!" he rolled around naked on his mama's kitchen floor and delivered the goods. he's a sweetheart. i came too. but..you know...i'm not going to mexico.

there's not gonna be another tony, i promise.
he wrote me last week, it was his birthday.

and i could get together with big john if i wanted. that would be so easy. but he knows what i want. i'm always honest with locals. that's what scared ryan away i guess, too bad.

online is the other me. gratification and validation. i'm not gonna apologize for that. real life...ok, i KNOW i'm not trying too hard there. it's so much work and i'm tired of dissapointment. and it's slim pickin's too, duh!

online is like shooting fish in a barrel. they find me. on the trip rob asked "why do you refer to yourself as 'daddy'?" ha! cuz they're all 19, 20, 21...if real life was like that i'd be a real mess.

who doesn't like attention, huh?

ok, this one kinda veered off...oh well.

i'm ignoring the puppy cuz (my) ignorance is bliss.

someone walked by me at work the other day and he smelled like your house.

you have no idea...

on the drive to the city, that dido song almost made me cry, and the talking heads' "home (naive melody)" DID.

you still have no idea...


one hates to be water on a duck's back. i wanted to be the oil slick.

i put a great old song on my myspace. go look at it if you know where to find me.

kiwi...your book is on top of the toilet tank! hehehe, sorry, but it's that kind of book, which i love. found something your kids are gonna love. package coming...soon.

the cat's still sleeping right next to my head every night. he's still very lonely. he's jealous of hobble when i feed him, and oliver next door is an asshole!

ok i have to work tomorrow, then just sunday off. back to regular schedule next week.

i have a few interesting entries planned...transcriptions of all the wrong number calls i have on my answering machine...and a chat with one of my online bf's...he's a BIG 9-11 conspiracy nut.

sw just came on, i need to go say hi. we're both into project runway, BIGTIME! he's been writing some wonderful entries lately, hasn't he?

daddy loves you...


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