kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Jul. 22, 2006

2:36 a.m.

went to see kev today, he has a touch of the flu. took him some goodies. we sat in the sun on the porch till dan came home, then we all sat and talked some more. i heard some great stories....hmmm.

ok here's my boy shady slimcrazy...
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there he is giving me "the shocker"..ya know..."two in the pink, one in the stink!"

the following is our 9-11 conspiracy chat...if you find it boring, we get a little raunchy at the end, haha!

ok, enjoy..i'll be back after the weekend.


shady: hey

kstyle57: hey kid

shady: whats up?

kstyle57: not much

shady: hey i wana talk about 9 -11... up for some news u didnt know?

kstyle57: hmm

kstyle57: ive seen some of those clips on youtube

shady: what clips?

kstyle57: all those conspiracy theories

shady: oh hunny they're not theories

kstyle57: there's clips from some films

kstyle57: no?

shady: they're facts

shady: no indeed

shady: it was a conspiracy

kstyle57: well theres some clips there you would like to see then

shady: the pentagon was not hit by a plane yet a missle launched from a c-130 cargo / bomber

kstyle57: i DO think the pentagon thing looks weird, should have been a bigger hole

shady: the twin towers were indeed hit by planes

shady: but

shady: were not brought down by planes

shady: they were demolished by explosives

kstyle57: well it looks that way

shady: ever notice the explosions 20 to 30 stories down from the actual collapsing part

kstyle57: ive seen things explaining both ways

shady: and how it was brought down in less than 10 secs

kstyle57: i know

shady: 9.2 exactly

kstyle57: but i just dont want to believe the govt is really that evil

shady: both came down first 1 was 9.8 second was 9.2

shady: as well as the surrounding buildings

shady: ready for this?

kstyle57: well yes that shorter building, that looked like a controlled demoliton totally

shady: flight 93 was never crashed

kstyle57: which one was that?

kstyle57: in the field?

shady: yep

shady: with all the "people on it"

shady: that called all their relatives

kstyle57: well what happened?

shady: 1 - cell phones couldnt be used in planes bc of no signal up untill 2004 when boeing installed cell boosters

kstyle57: hmm

shady: 2 - the plane was spotted from a satellite in nc at the airport landing at 11 am

kstyle57: well they recovered bodies

shady: along with flight 77 b4 it at 1045

shady: no they didn't

kstyle57: no?

shady: nope

shady: flight 93 landed at the airport

shady: unloaded its passengers

shady: into an abandoned nasa research facility

shady: and took off at 1130

shady: and supposedly crashed in that field..

shady: and supposedly disintigrated

shady: it's impossible for a plane to completely disintigrate

shady: scientificly impossible

shady: plus there would have been wings..

shady: tail parts

kstyle57: well the problem i have with all this...

shady: cockpit..

shady: and mainly..

shady: engines..

shady: the people that called...

kstyle57: if this stuff is all proveable..it should be too hard to cover up

shady: the calls were fakes..

kstyle57: fake?

kstyle57: what, they had guns to their heads?

shady: the bush administration developed voice morphing technology with norad and has the ability to morph to sound like anyone immedietly

shady: those people are all alive

kstyle57: ok see, that's too far fetched for me

shady: paid them off and gave them new identities

kstyle57: no, i cant believe that at all

shady: ok then get this

kstyle57: let me get you a link to one of those clips

shady: osama had nothing to do with anything

shady: he was baby sat by 2 cia agents the whole time

shad: that tape of him "confessing to the acts" was fake

shady: its not even him in the video and the voice was morphed

shady: plus the so called suicide bombers that were on the planes

shady: the names check out 9 out of the 21 are alive and well

shady: and get this

kstyle57: ok

shady: do you know why the bush administration did this?

shady: to start this war..

kstyle57: well sure i've heard that a lot

shady: and mainly

shady: to remove the gold from under the twin towers

kstyle57: gold???

shady: which has somehow dissapeared.

shady: yes

kstyle57: ok see

kstyle57: that's getting too weird

kstyle57: gold..morphing voices

shady: there was 192 billion dollars in gold bars stored in the twin towers ..from national banks ..from all over the world..

kstyle57: never heard that one

shady: ever seen the movie 9-11?

kstyle57: no

shady: its all there in black and white

kstyle57: the oliver stone one? is that out yet?

kstyle57: there's one called loose change

kstyle57: and one called reopen 911

shady: what are those about?

kstyle57: hold on

shady: gimmie those links

kstyle57: (sent link)

shady: i wanna see those clips

kstyle57: that one talks about flt 93

kstyle57: its funny, i have been looking at this stuff lately

kstyle57: but i dont know what i believe

shady: thats the movie i'm talking about

shady: loose change 911

shady: its all there

kstyle: it starts to get too weird too fast for me

shady: any other links?

shady: like parts 1-5

shady: imma add these to my thing

shady: and maybe part 7-whatever

kstyle57: i think if you click on the guy that posted it he will have more

shady: k

kstyle57: or just look up 911 there, there's tons of stuff

kstyle57: i will admit the way the buildings fell looks wrong, but i saw that explained too

shady: yeah

shady: the governments explaination

kstyle57: damn, you're really into it

shady: lol

shady: i hate the government

kstyle57: i just dont see how it could all be kept from us, its too big ya know?

shady: why have cops when our own government is murderers?

kstyle57: ok

shady: that was a missile that crashed where 93 supposedly did

kstyle57: you know about reopen 911?

kstyle57: (sent link)

kstyle57: there was a multi clip lecture some guy gave, he's from like MIT or something, i'm looking for that

kstyle57: this is another guy, but....(sent link)

kstyle57: dude, are you still there?

shady: yeah

shady: im watchin this stuff

kstyle57: ok, good

shady: this is some shit i knew but still

kstyle57: (sent link)

kstyle57: well i'm not saying i don't believe some of it, it just goes off on weird tangents

kstyle57:(sent link)

kstyle57: that last one...theres a few more parts, close ups of how little damage at pentagon, that made me think...like offices right next to the hole with no damage, even tho the walls are gone, hmm

kstyle57: (sent link)

kstyle57: but heres a comment that is kinda what i feel.... "not that a b-25 hitting a building vs. a fully laden commercial jet liner could be called the same event.....look at it logically and you will see how ridiculous these conspiracy theories are...how on earth could all the complex events happens with involving a LOT of people....wiht no one finding out...and with no ones conscience being pricked along the way and blowing the whistle? Get real and come back to reality."

shady: well it was a conspiracy

shady: every tower in the world trade center was control demolished

kstyle57: i just dont want to believe that, you know?

kstyle57: it's way too evil

shady: yeah but it definetly happend

kstyle57: well i know lots of explainations are lame but i'm stil skeptical

kstyle57: well i hope i turned you onto new stuff

shady: yep

kstyle57: cool

kstyle57: i haven't even looked at any websites, must be millions of em

shady: idk but i do know that it was all planned years in advance

shady: called the new pearl harbor

kstyle57: i just dont see how it could all be kept secret, its too

shady: its not a secret anymore

kstyle57: well

kstyle57: but its not official

shady: its the gov...what u expect?

kstyle57: i know

shady: they can buy anyone to shut up

shady: and apparently kill anyone to shut em up

kstyle57: so they killed those people from flt 93?

shady: no

kstyle57: oh ok

kstyle57: you said...right

kstyle57: see, that i cannot believe

kstyle57: i just can't

kstyle57: that and the voice morphing and the gold

shady: well, watch that movie

kstyle57: loose change?

shady: start from part 1

shady: yeah


shady: if u dont want to, do it for me lol

shady: don't i mean sumthin lol

kstyle57: hehe

shady: do it for me and my 13inch sausage

kstyle57: hmm

shady: lol

kstyle57: right

kstyle57: another crackpot theory, that one

shady: lol

kstyle57: haha

shady: ok 11 - 1/2

kstyle57: i mean

kstyle57: this stuff gets so weird

kstyle57: like ufo stuff

shady: just watch

shady: take the time to watch

kstyle57: people say they have all this info

kstyle57: but it stays pretty much underground

kstyle57: i will

kstyle57: i'm interested

kstyle57: just very skeptical

kstyle57: but it's like 13 inch cocks

kstyle57: they do happen

shady: lol

kstyle57: dude

kstyle57: when you measure your meat...

shady: yeah u can tell that the towers were demolished

kstyle57: you're not suposed to stick half the ruler up your ass, silly

shady: huge clouds of smoke n they fell straight down on them selves in 1 pile

kstyle57: i know

shady: nice n neat piles

kstyle57: it always looked wrong

shady: towers

shady: every 1 of them

kstyle57: but dude

kstyle57: the president can't lie :)

shady: fires can't bring down towers

shady: never happened

shady: tower 7 was # 3 in history

shady: 1 and 2 were the twin towers

kstyle57: you're making my head hurt...the big head

shady: lol

kstyle57: ok i need to take off, but i'll check those clips

shady: ok

kstyle57: THEN can i fuck you?

kstyle57: i got a tower on fire right here for ya, baby!

shady: lol

shady: haha, its gonna collapse

kstyle57: haha

kstyle57: eventually

shady: lol

shady: in 9.2 secs

shady: exactly

kstyle57: hey!

shady: lol

kstyle57: gimmie some credit

shady: in one neat pile

shady: lol

kstyle57: yup

kstyle57: right in your ass

kstyle57: haha

shady: with a cloud of smoke

shady: lol

kstyle57: i'll cause some structural damge

shady: lol

kstyle57: just bend over

shady: lol

shady: i'm on fire

shady: imma collapse in 9.2 secs

kstyle57: is that what i smell?

shady: i'm being demolished

shady: yep

kstyle57: haha

shady: lol

kstyle57: i'll get you right in YOUR pentagon

kstyle57: i never miss my target

kstyle57: omg

kstyle57: too funny

shady: lol

kstyle57: ok kid....

kstyle57: gotta run

shady: aight lata

kstyle57: later, g

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