kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Jul. 21, 2006

hey you, yes you!
1:22 a.m.

ahhhhhh...i'm so tired. a long week. and today was particularly hellish.

so just a few shoutouts to some of my peeps...then i'm off to bed.

* hmmm, pool porn, that story was hot, more please?

* yes, baby, you were HALF of everyone, you're special!

* i will work on that picture of your husband and the giraffe this weekend, haha!

* if you work in a large red and white building, you need to check your website...it's "cheaper", not "cheeper". :)

* hope your weekend is fun, i want pics!

* you sure gave me the once-over at work today. i was too shy to really look you in the eye.

* welcome back to cali, if only for the weekend. hope your mom is doing ok.

* cooper liked your neck the best, but then so do i.

* i know that was you watching the other night...ebay, the halo message boards...i know that's one of your names. i'm a very good snoop, i told you. let's talk soon, ok?

* are we gettin' together tomorrow night? i have books and movies for you to take home.

* i saw pictures of you. you look the same.

* are you happy?

ok, back in a few. peace out, fuckers!


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