kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Aug. 02, 2006

12:14 a.m.

it's dan's birthday!!!!

i won't say how old he is...but, omg, in gay years...the horror, the horror!

actually you should SEE that baby face now that the goatee is gone, awwww :)

look what i made tonight...
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that's dan with two of his new toys...his studmuffin toyota tacoma, and his kayak!

the poor dear, he's a bit confused...kevin said it gets worse every day.

and YES, i added the hat!

dan's a bit camera shy, but you can always go back to my april 24th entry...haha, i love that pic! next time, no CB, i promise!

ahh, i gotta tease the guy..i owe him one...or five!

all kiddin' aside, d...have a great day!

ok people, leave dan a birthday wish in the comments, mmmkay?

back soon.


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