kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Jul. 31, 2006

insommnia art
2:06 p.m.

oh man, i got the least ammount of sleep last night...i got out of bed at 5 a.m. and came in here and worked on some art.

this is a new series of S.F. pics that i started...trying to make them as paint/watercolor as i can. been using the despeckle thingy in the ACDSee program i have...

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bush street.

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grant street.

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judah street.

the long narrow format is kind of interesting.

and here's a detail of a pic i took out on 46th. near the motel...

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i'm going down to san jose on the 11th. there's a big arts festival going on and survival research labs is doing their first large scale show in the bay area in 10 years. they're the people from SF who make these giant machines...robots....there's lots of fire and noise and destruction!

i'll be posting some links or pics about all that soon. i ordered tickets on saturday, i had been thinking about it for a while...checked with doug but he can't make it cuz school is starting the following monday and he's got a lot of stuff to do. i have a few back up plans to look into though :)

ok , i need to go eat lunch!

kiss kiss,


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