kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Sept. 04, 2006

la la la...
4:24 a.m.

my thing is up at COOPER'S BLOG. go check it out, mmmkay?

jason hadn't heard about p's bf drowning either. haven't heard back from kev yet.

been emailing back and forth with steve, the guy from fortuna with the kids. we're both sharing a lot of backstory. very interesting.

he kinda LOOKS like j. actually, same height and build. mamma adrienne was all YAY! about him being 43. we seemed to have a nice balance of things in common/differences. he's a former JW! they're as bad as the mormons when it comes to gay stuff.

well, as long as we don't meet on 9-11...that would be too much weird symmetry for moi.

did some walking. reading all kinds of stuff. up late as you can see...i had a nap and i was kinda waiting for DC to post, it's so fun to do a day over there. this is #3, after the saggers and the napes show.

so, anyway, maybe a dinner date or something soon. but we're gonna keep emailing for a while. you ALL had your chance, beotches!


maybe a year from now i'll be a gay stepdad.


love ya's,


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