kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Oct. 20, 2006

fun friday
9:36 p.m.

steve came up today after his psych midterm was over. he got here around noon. showed him some stuff i've been working on, edits of sf pics etc. he met the cat.

saw some tummy and a nice treasure trail when he took his sweater off and his shirt rode up...i give it an "A".

went down to the ritz for japanese lunch, yum! sushi and tempura.

walked across the street to the redwood arts council show. some good stuff, some ugh.

went down to piante to see eric's show. david boston's pics are growing on me.

walked up to the museum, saw my pic, the junk art, kids art...talked about all sorts of stuff....shit, i can't take NOTES, you know...really covered a lot of topics.

headed back downtown. looked at furniture and stuff at plaza design. oh, fuck, i could do some damage to the credit card there.

went to all under heaven, steve showed me some great japanese toys, etc.

then over to the first st. gallery, some cool stuff. these big colorful molded plastic things, and some great art in the back. i was taking pics and the gallery guy said no photos, it's a deal with the artists. i dunno if that's only for certain artists...i said well i'm not gonna do anything with the pics...he said "you're on your own." whatever! i guess it's just something they're obligated to say...

went to booklegger's. i found some rare stuff...that early book on the velevet underground, up-tight. a book about the late 70's-early 80's NYC art scene. a very hard-to-find book of 60's warhol factory pics. and a book on william burroughs. quite a score, all in all. 41 bucks total.

oh, and lunch was only 25.

cruised through restoration hardware. then came back here. showed him some youtube. chatted more. steve left about 6 pm.

sounds like a pretty full day, yes?

i really like this guy. his schedule is a bitch. as i said, we talked about everything. we sure have a lot of stuff that we like in common. we were quoting lines from "superstar"...shit, that's a guy i could get...something about...

i just really need to keep my head, not get too...whatever. words are failing me. 2 dates...i just can't say something stupid like "so...do you like me?? huh? do ya? do ya???"

it's not like i ever get obsessed with people, or go overboard, right????

yes, you may snicker now.

he really IS a sweetheart, though...

a few flirty comments back and forth, sure...our speed, pace, whatever...is very similar. his level of touchy-touch is just right. daddy like.

i mean, at the museum he was touching the junk art! "i'm very tactile, i can't help it!"

no problemo.

debriefed my day with john from hayward a bit ago...he gave me good advice. oh, and the other day i changed my main profile pic at gaydot at his request...he thinks it's hot, haha! and sure enough, while we were chatting this local kid messaged me saying i was hot, etc. 19 yr old hispanic cutie...he proposed a few activities, but...here i am, right?

that was kinda nice, though. and unexpected.

ok. my day in pics:

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the view from lunch.

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one of eric's watercolors.

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me and eric's pineapple.

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steve at piante. this is a little trickery i did when we got back here, showing steve how picture putty works.

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"arguing with an idiot" (steve's title, not mine!) i did this in-camera at the graves museum.

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from the show upstairs.

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me upstairs. not bad!

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an incredible piece in the kids show. the doggie chef is cooking inside the seashell. the doggie waiter is delivering some wine to the doggie couple seated upon the seashell. and there's a strolling doggie violinist at the bottom!

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more kids art.

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good color match at plaza design.

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a horse head at one end...

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and an ear at the other! wild stuff at first st. gallery.

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big pink thingamajig. my fave pic of the day.

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from the show in the back room.

ok, then. did i mention we talked about EVERYTHING? ha!

i'm patient. i have no choice.

time to hit the couch and dig into my new books.

have a great weekend!


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