kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006

oh my!
8:33 p.m.

its so weird, seeing people i've known all my life, that are suddenly getting so old...winding down...slowing down.


all of a sudden i'm eating real good and getting back to walking 5 miles a day.

i was a TOTAL fart machine today. must have been the zuchinni, orange bell pepper and onion stir-fry i've had the last 2 days for lunch.

tonight is the finale of project runway. i'm rooting for michael or laura. i'm tired of all of uli's flowing hippie shit, and tatooed-neck boy, well, i don't like him at all.

that's at 10 pm, and then the new season of top chef starts at 11! i can't wait!

i'm chatting with kiwi right now, told her i saw some work by that NZ artist, colin maccahon. check him out, his work is wonderful. i love the waterfalls.

i got copies of the pics lucy took of me friday, i'll scan those and post 'em next time.

i think if someone gave you a goodbye kiss, like in a car, like they were dropping you off, and it was the first kiss...well, i think a good thing to say would be "hold that thought..." and then jump out of the car, fast! hahaha...

ok, here's something....a short video clip. it is x-rated and NOT SAFE FOR WORK! BUT, it's only 12 seconds long, so....it's up to you!

i mean, seriously, just when you think you've seen it all...

ok, gotta run.

love ya's...


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