kstyle.diaryland.com Monday, Nov. 06, 2006

pics and stuff
3:56 a.m.

you guys know lady bunny?
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check out HER BLOG today...i sent her a link to a funny youtube clip and she posted it and gave me a shout-out!

quiet weekend here. LOTS of photo editing. here's a few new ones in my nightime series...

damn, if i'm not careful, pretty soon i'm just gonna be taking BLACK pictures!

here's a silly little avatar i made at some japanese site...

the eyes are a bit much, but i used to have a sweater exactly like that!

nice video/voice chat with adrienne today...look, here's me entertaining persephone..

the little darling called 911 a few weeks ago...all they heard was a voice whispering "bob"! adrienne said the cops were there in under 5 minutes!

wow..it would be SO cool if macka actually has a chance to come to SF for his job for a few months...i'd love to get him up here for a weekend. all the boys would love that aussie accent!

ok, it's super-duper late here. gotta grab the boy and head for bed.

later kids,


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