kstyle.diaryland.com Tuesday, Nov. 07, 2006

my dirty little secret...exposed!
11:43 p.m.

omg, when you tell people you didn't vote sometimes they look at you like you just said "hi there! i like to eat shit, it's sooo yummy, mmm!"

actually only one person asked me, but...i always hate that.

i dont understand politics, i don't follow it to any great extent. i don't trust politicians. i hate all the mudslinging. and the level of corruption astounds me. look at all the scandals, they think they can get away with anything. i just don't get that.

i know, we're supposed to vote to create change, to make things better.

and as a fag i know there's issues that affect me.

but it's a decision i've made. i mean, i knew in HIGH SCHOOL that i wasn't ever gonna vote, and that i would probably never go to college.

ignoring politics gives one time for other pusuits. art, music, book, etc...you know.

i trust others who are informed to make informed opinions.

and i KNOW one vote has made a difference at times.

i didn't even know ahh-nold was running again, that's how out of the loop i am.

a steady diet of the daily show and the colbert report doesn't make me want to run out and try to change things. it just confirms that ...ummm, WHAT does it confirm?

that i don't care enough to get involved? that i feel comfortable in my apathy?

is my head in the sand? maybe. but there's lots of pretty things to look at down there.

umm, ok. bring on the comments. i'm a big boy.


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