kstyle.diaryland.com Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

saturday morning
6:35 a.m.

fell asleep on the couch last night, fairly early for me, around midnight.

now i'm awake and alert. probably have a nap this afternoon.

the pic didn't make the show. i went down thurs and my name wasn't on the door. one of the galleries was hung already...BIG paintings, colorful. one o'keefe flower-vagina looking thing. oh well. 2 shows in a row would have been cool. every judge is different, etc.

bill pierson was in yesterday, he dropped off a postcard for HIS show, photos at piante, opening tonight. some of his stuff leaves me cold, and some i wish i had taken, which i guess is the biggest compliment i can give a photo, ya know? i still had my chinatown pic in the car, so i showed it to him, he liked it.

i dunno if i'm gonna hit arts alive tonight. i always see someone i know, but i hate going alone. john d. is a possibility i guess, if i could get hold of him, but, hmmm, 19 year old college boy, stoned and horny, haha, that just doesn't sound all that interesting right now, hard as that is to believe.

i know, you're SHOCKED! i'm feeling much more romantic than carnal these days anyway.

i'll see bill's show some weekday. piante full of people is not that pleasant.

i think i have a date with steve tomorrow afternoon...gonna go see "for your consideration"...besides, i owe him a neckrub :) him and the kids ae decorating their tree today.

did 5 miles yesterday, it wasn't too cold out.

ok, yeah. i guess that's all for now.

loe ya's


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