kstyle.diaryland.com Friday, Dec. 29, 2006

see ya next year!
8:48 p.m.

hey folks!

just winding down the year here.

tidying up a bit, laundry, etc.

lots of wind and rain here this week.

steve's coming up tomorrow night, yay!

he's making some hummus and i'm gonna fix some apples and cheese.

some movies, snuggletime, etc.

our first date was 3 months ago today.

it's a 50 mile round trip for him to come up here and hang, and if you don't think THAT makes me feel special then you have rocks in your head!

i got him another sedaris book and some joni for a late xmas present.

oh, btw, here's my fave commercial of the year:

ok, gotta run! happy new year!



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