kstyle.diaryland.com Sunday, Jan. 07, 2007

9:54 p.m.

a mostly quiet weekend.

steve was doing the mr. chauffer thing cuz his daughter's car broke down and she needed a ride to work, but he came up here for a few hours. he brought "twilight of the golds", great movie. makes you think.

i was thinking about going downtown for arts alive but we stayed here so we had some snuggle time and some fun and that's all good.

he's gonna be pretty busy with school in a week or 2...we had a good talk about things. he's always been upfront about school and family having to be a priority over a ltr, and i'm good with that.

i mean, what do i want? i'm not sure. i can see being in a realtionship where i could only see him once in a while. but i dunno, what kind of commitment do i need right now? we're dating, we're having fun...i don't need to be greedy or clingy.

i'm having some experiences, i feel desireable...what more do i need right now?

he's not going to taiwan for almost 3 years. anything could happen.

i wrote him a big letter last night, as i tend to do (just ask jason!)...just sort of thoughts etc...he apprieciated it. we chatted this morning and oh! he made me a south park character:

i look sleepy. or stoned!

he posted an ad for his old car on craiglist...one line was so funny:

"Making some noise in the back end (Don't we all at that age?)"


so yeah...things are good.

kiwi, i saw the man who gets all the boys on a promo spot on tv last night for a local event...ok, ok, great body. he sounded a bit queeny, though, which was very satisfying, haha! i haven't dreamed about him for a while.

a friend seems to be coming to terms with his sexuality, and that's real nice to see. he needs to get out of dodge and start living. it'll happen.

took it easy today. read, napped, etc.

back to work tomorrow.

ok, kids, see ya soon.


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