kstyle.diaryland.com Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007

it was a very good year...
7:34 p.m.

ok, it's too friggin' cold to walk tonight. it looks like it's gonna snow in the hills. and i've been a good boy, 44 miles since the first of the month.

so i'm gonna stay in and do a short review of 2006... might do a few more of these too. it's gonna be pretty random.

favorite meals of the year:

thai dinner at bangkok best on bush st. in SF, before the x show, with doug, griselda, sheila and maggie.

that great burger, and breakfast the next day, at the bashful bull on 47th ave., also in sf, with rob.

the thai chicken coconut soup steve fixed for me here!

happiest moment:

this sounds really odd, but after the SRL show in san jose, when i thought i'd be driving around for a while trying to figure out how to get back to the city...i drove a few blocks and saw that sign for the on-ramp for 280...i got on that sucker and it was such a nice drive, it was after midnight, there was no traffic...i just sort of floated back to the city. it took me right back to sloat blvd.

favorite intersection:

speaking of sloat...that corner of 19th. and sloat, right at stern grove. you turn right, and the ocean is visible in the distance. it's like a mile and a half, past that big monument thing, i still don't know what it is...past MY albertsons, past the zoo, and then a right on 47th. and i'm at ocean park motel!

which leads us to...

favorite home away from home:

outer sunset, SF. ocean park, the bull, that great natural foods store, that little co-op gallery i found....all the art deco...i SO fell in love with the area. if i had the money, i'd buy a house down there tomorrow. walking along the beach at 8 a.m....i feel so at home there.

best week:

in april, my birthday. steve from ohio was here, we had a blast! started and ended in SF. in between we did trinidad, went to kev and dan's...ate some good meals...was so fun to show him around.

biggest regret:

ha! the unintentional cock-block i pulled on my birthday....well, shit, i didn't know how serious you guys were...i dunno that YOU even did. but look, all of us involved ended up getting some nookie eventually anyway, right? it all worked out.

best kiss:

well, let's say FUNNIEST kiss. the first time steve kissed me, we were on the couch watching...strangers with candy, probably. i didn't know it was coming and he got a mouth full of nose! he course-corrected and it's been smooth sailng ever since :)

favorite song:

morrissey, "don't make fun of daddy's voice". it got yanked from cracktube or i'd post it again.

cutest boy i could have gone out with, and didn't:

john duran, my mexican stoner daddy's boy. sweet kid, a real flirt. but...i dunno, 19 year olds have sort lost their appeal for me, ya know?

(i hear all my mommies applauding!)

favorite "famous people" i've gotten email from:

dennis cooper, scott heim, lady bunny...wow!

favorite picture i took in 2006:

hmm, that's a tough one. probably this:

that was taken on the rainy monday i met up with steve from ohio in SF to bring him up here. him and me and his girls were having lunch in the alley at cafe claude. that's a couple who walked by. romantic, yes?

ok, i guess that's all for now.


love to all,


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